Het cluster is levendig en actief. Hieronder lees je meer over ontwikkelingen en nieuws uit het cluster. Periodiek op de hoogte van ontwikkelingen en nieuws uit het cluster? Meld je dan hieronder aan voor onze nieuwsbrief.
Join us for an Insightful Workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities!
We are thrilled to announce an upcoming workshop titled "Interregional Innovation Investments to Stimulate Citizens Health and Wellbeing" that will be held at the Albert Borschette Congress Center on the 9th of October, 2024, from 11:30 to 12:30 CET. The language of...
I3-DIGITPRE: SME innovations for a healthy and vital society
Cluster Sports & Technology (CST) is one of the partners in DIGIT-PRE, a unique project supported by the EU, to stimulate the development of innovative digital solutions for prevention, prediction, and remote care. For this purpose we roll out an Innovation...
Revolutionizing sports facilities: ESMIS project boosts sustainability in sport
Traditional models of sports facilities have proven inadequate in addressing sustainability challenges, and the escalating energy costs and climate-induced water scarcity are exacerbating the situation. Furthermore, most of the sports facilities in Europe were built...
I3-INSHAPE: 6 months of interregional innovation support towards a healthier and more active Europe
The first six months of work for the I3-INSHAPE project are behind us. Co-funded by the I3-programme of the EU, it aims to enhance the European digital economy by transforming the ClusSport Partnership recognised by the EU into a European competence centre for SME...
Cluster Sports & Technology ondersteunt Nederlandse MKB bedrijven via het Digit-Pre Innovation Support Program
Cluster Sports & Technology is een trots partner in het Digit-Pre project, medegefinancierd door het I3-programma van de Europese Unie. Digit-Pre levert een uniek ondersteuningsprogramma dat MKB bedrijven toegang biedt tot diensten en testomgevingen voor hun...
ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 a Great Success!
On Wednesday, September 20th, the ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 took place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Over 200 professionals from the business sector, government, educational institutions, and organizations in society and sports were in attendance. Sport and...
€9.5 million for SME Innovations Promoting Active and Healthy Lifestyles
The increasingly sedentary lifestyle among the population is a significant contributor to less fitness & wellbeing and a variety of diseases such as a rise in mental stress, diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer's, and cancer cases. While technology has made our...
AmiGo by Tech2Play wins the 13th Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2023
EINDHOVEN, September 20, 2023 – During the ELIS Innovation Summit for Sports & Vitality in Eindhoven today, AmiGo by Tech2Play was announced as the winner of the 13th Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2023, valued at €15,000. Founder Michiel van der Boom received the...
Cluster Sports & Technology hosted INDESCAT and Catalan companies during a study visit on energy efficiency in sports facilities in the Netherlands
The study visit was from 17th to 19th of July.
DIGIT-PRE open call is looking for SMEs with innovative digital solutions for prevention, prediction, and remote care
Cluster Sports & Technology is one of the partners in DIGIT-PRE, a unique innovation support program, supported by the EU, for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with innovative digital solutions for prevention, prediction, and remote care. We work in the...
Inno4Sports Privacy Workshop – lessons learned
Data is becoming crucial in the sports and lifestyle industry. Especially in a Data Driven Innovation Approach regarding sports & lifestyle. That is why the Inno4Sport project partners participated in a workshop about privacy, data processing and data protection...
LUMO Labs announces investment in urban sports & culture community platform CityLegends
EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands — Through its LUMO Fund II, LUMO Labs is making a substantial early-stage investment in CityLegends, an emerging urban lifestyle startup and one of our cluster and Vitality Living Lab project partners. The CityLegends platform connects the...
Inno4Sports – from phase 1 to phase 2
Phase 1 of the Inno4Sports project has been completed succesfully with the Bridge event (read all about it in the 5th edition of the newsletter). During phase 1 (2018-2022), a clear picture of the excellences of all five participating regions have been developed...
Research into innovative air cleaning against spreading aerosols
The research team of Professor Bert Blocken from TU / e (Eindhoven University of Technology), part of the Cluster Sports & Technology, has conducted scientific research into the effect of innovative air cleaning equipment on the spread of aerosols in gyms, among...
#040Beweegt als ‘Good Practice’
In het Inno4Sports project, leren project partners van verschillende Europese regio's van elkaar. Dit door 'Good Practices' uit te wisselen en te bekijken hoe deze geïmplementeerd kunnen worden in andere regio's. #040Beweegt is een van deze Good Practices van Sports...
Inno4Sports leaflet on experiences and results has been published
The Inno4Sports Interreg Europe project is approaching the end of Phase 1! These months have been a great Learning Experience by sharing GoodPractices & Learning Lessons from each other. A leaflet on this experience and its results has just been published. View...
Presentatie over ‘Hoe Sport & Vitaliteit ons post corona kunnen helpen’ online
Op 16 juni presenteerde Marc van der Zande van het Cluster Sports & Technology tijdens het webinar 'Exit strategies for COVID-19 lockdown, what role do regions play?'. Het webinar werd georganiseerd door 'The Consortium for Securing the Adoption of Personalised...
4th Inno4sports Knowledge Capitalisation Seminar
Good Practices from Lodzkie region The KCS was attended by key stakeholders who have shared inspiring Good Practices (GG) in the realm of sport and vitality from the Lodzkie region. The first GG was myHYDRO presented by Magdalena Owczarek and Ewelina...