
Het cluster is levendig en actief. Hieronder lees je meer over ontwikkelingen en nieuws uit het cluster. Periodiek op de hoogte van ontwikkelingen en nieuws uit het cluster? Meld je dan hieronder aan voor onze nieuwsbrief.

ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 a Great Success!

ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 a Great Success!

On Wednesday, September 20th, the ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 took place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Over 200 professionals from the business sector, government, educational institutions, and organizations in society and sports were in attendance. Sport and...

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Inno4Sports Privacy Workshop – lessons learned

Inno4Sports Privacy Workshop – lessons learned

Data is becoming crucial in the sports and lifestyle industry. Especially in a Data Driven Innovation Approach regarding sports & lifestyle. That is why the Inno4Sport project partners participated in a workshop about privacy, data processing and data protection...

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Inno4Sports – from phase 1 to phase 2

Inno4Sports – from phase 1 to phase 2

Phase 1 of the Inno4Sports project has been completed succesfully with the Bridge event (read all about it in the 5th edition of the newsletter). During phase 1 (2018-2022), a clear picture of the excellences of all five participating regions have been developed...

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#040Beweegt als ‘Good Practice’

#040Beweegt als ‘Good Practice’

In het Inno4Sports project, leren project partners van verschillende Europese regio's van elkaar. Dit door 'Good Practices' uit te wisselen en te bekijken hoe deze geïmplementeerd kunnen worden in andere regio's. #040Beweegt is een van deze Good Practices van Sports...

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4th Inno4sports Knowledge Capitalisation Seminar

4th Inno4sports Knowledge Capitalisation Seminar

Good Practices from Lodzkie region The KCS was attended by key stakeholders who have shared inspiring Good Practices (GG) in the realm of sport and vitality from the Lodzkie region. The first GG was myHYDRO presented by Magdalena Owczarek and Ewelina...

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