What can the Cluster mean do you?
Since many years the innovation Cluster Sports & Technology with businesses, sports field labs, governments and knowledge institutions have been successful to create innovations and innovation projects with revenues on sports, society and economy:
- enhance sport performance (talent, performance)
- stimulate sport participation/active lifestyle (empowering people) and
- innovate and accelerate business chances (create new business and jobs)

Support to be successful
The cluster supports her participants to innovate, validate and accelerate innovations in the market. The idea is to provide “easy acces” We help to elaborate the market needs, find the right partnerships, create and execute innovation projects, but also can help to find funding opportunities. The combination of the technological excellence, the innovative way of working of Brainport and the sports mentality of Brabant creates the unique atmosphere for the success. Connecting each other’s capacity, network, disciplines and facilities speeds up innovation, validation and acceleration and provides best chances for success.

Innovation based on available knowledge and data
Do you have an innovative idea that you want to develop further? For this you need information, knowledge and research about the market, technology and target group. Data and involvement of the end user can inspire you but also help to further shape the idea. Much of this information and data is already present in the Cluster via the knowledge institutions and sports field labs. Contact us and we will connect you with the right people.

Validating with end users gives new insights
Do you want to validate and test your innovation in practice? Discover how end users respond to your innovation: what are they encountering and is the technology working as you expected? The sports field labs in our Cluster can help you with these (practical) tests and validations. We also offer help to sharpen the technical feasibility of your innovation. This kind of insight gives you more certainty and increases the chance of a successful market introduction. Contact us and we will connect you with the right people.
(Sport)field Labs: Validate with end users
(Sport)field labs are test environments where companies and knowledge institutions can purposefully test and validate innovations with end users. An environment in which the target group learns to apply innovations. (Sport)field labs therefore have a lot of data and knowledge about specific target groups. This is where demand and technology come together.

Accelerate by learning from others
When you have tested and optimized your innovation, it is time to scale up and market your innovation. Do you want to know how other entrepreneurs do this or do you want more information about the possibilities of internationalization? You are not the first to address this issue. The Cluster already has a lot of experience with the companies. Contact us and we will connect you with the right people.
S&T Consultation hours: Connect to speed up
We are convinced that we can speed up your innovation by putting you in touch with the right people. We are happy to help you find the right way to innovate, validate and accelerate your innovation. Indicate which phase you are in and what you need and we connect you with the right knowledge and people within our network.
Every third Tuesday of the month there is a consultation hour between 2 and 5 p.m. You can then talk to experts from the Cluster Sports & Technology (S&T) and Brainport Development. Make an appointment? Send an email at least 1 week prior to the appointment to: info@sportsandtechnology.com.