(Foto: FreeSense Solutions SwimBuddy)
Event Sport eXperience over ‘Sports, Innovations & StartUps’
Van 15 t/m 20 mei 2017 vindt voor de 6e keer de Dutch Technology Week (DTW) plaats. In het kader van dit evenement organiseert Sport eXperience op 16 mei een bijeenkomst: ‘Sports, Innovations & StartUps: The Dutch are coming!’ Tijdens dit event wordt het Nederlandse sportinnovatie landschap onder de loep genomen.
Vanwege het internationale karakter is onderstaande tekst in het Engels.
The Netherlands is an ideal country to validate innovations in sports. However we recognize where ever you are located the growth ambition will take you beyond your own borders. How is the Dutch landscape evolving? And how do Dutch entrepreneurs experience this landscape? As ambitions grow, internationalisation is essential. How is the landscape of Denmark, Italy and USA embracing sports entrepreneurs? In two interactive forums you’ll find out the entrepreneurs journey to success and where to scale! On May the 16th we look forward to welcome you at the NatLab in Eindhoven during the Dutch Technlogy Week. Be quick to reserve, only 65 seats available.
Tuesday 16 May 2017
13:30-17:30 h
Location for this event is the former Philips Research Laboratories, NatLab (Kastanjelaan 500, 5616 LZ Eindhoven). Register via Eventbrite.
13:30 Reception w/ coffee & tea
14:00 Welcome
14:05 The Dutch sports landscape by Arno Hermans
14:15 FreeSense Solutions by Dick Prinse
14:20 SciSports by Giels Brouwer
14:25 SwimGames by Menno Deen
14:30 Dutch Startup Forum w/ Martin Stockman
15:15 Denmark by Henrik Brandt (Idraettens Analyseinstitut)
15:20 Italy by Carlo Bonadonna (Northzone Italy)
15:25 USA by Robert van Hamersveld (Dutchman in Silicon Valley)
15:30 Scaling forum w/ Victor Beerkens
16:15 Wrapup by Arno Hermans
16:30 Network drinks
17:30 End
Nadine Swinkels
Event manager Sport eXperience
+31 (0)6 41 894 341
€ 30